Monday, December 28, 2015

December 14, 2015 Josh Mission Update

President Packer is so awesome! He is a legit witness though isn´t that crazy! You and dad should read D&C 67! Okay some quick things I need to tell you guys because I don´t have much time this week! ugh haha First I am serving a mission and pray for you guys everynight and morning and throughout the day everyday, therefore to recieve blessings because of my service. Second of all did you watch the dedication of the temple! 3rd Happy birthday to Brock and Dadio!!!! Thank you soooo mucchhhhh for all of the christmas gifts and packages!   I am pretty sure every missionary in the mission knows my name because of the packages I recieve lol Okay last I need to know your skype info if you guys can skype the 24 or 25 and what time evening would be best. I can only skype for 40 minutes ): But if we plan the time can be used wisely and we can make use of it (: So excited to speak spanish with dad hahaha Okay love you guys this converter for my pics is sweet too! Love you guys so much! Thanks for being awesome mom (: I was just thinking the other day how blessed I am to have you as a mom and to live with you guys for all eternity you guys are my best friends and I love yall! (: I just hope I am able to speak english during our skype because every missionary says it is super hard because I haven´t said an english word in weeks I only get to write haha anyways Love yall bye!

Got a sweet haircut today you can see in the pic above with the family in the house it was at this barber shop. Mexicans really know how to cut hair! Like dad hahahahaha


Monday, December 14, 2015

Decemer 9, 2015 Josh update

Mom what a sweet blog! Yes I got all of your packages thank you so much that food saved me! I'm gonna be honest I have been wearing my new socks and playing with my soccer ball haha! Lo siento! I am so excited to skype you guys! Lol zach is so happy he gets to drive now haha. Is he like 6´4? Jeez haha. Mom that's so sweet you are the President though! haha my companion thinks I´m going to be the AP after my training because usually I am the one that says alright wake up alright lets go. He is a good missionary he just has trouble sometimes so I help him because the best thing you can do is service! Here is some sweet pics because I know I have been slacking hehe

Oh and I spent about a week with my zone leader just learning about how to be a leader here and so we worked super hard that week so today we got the zone together and played bball and it was probably the funniest thing i ever did haha. But I want to be the AP soon because I think I could help so many missionaries ser exito. But here is one last pic (: enjoy Oh and the pic above with me grabbing the light is Lehi´s dream hahahahaha

Dude brock is such a stud! I was laughing so much about your pics of the different shaves its like the time i had supper long hair and when you were cutting it short we did like a mullet and some funny stuff hahah 

i don´t really get sick that often anymore i have more or less adapted to the food but that is sick the blog of my mission!

ya every six weeks when we do cambiars we have pday on wednesday. Im with the same comp tho because i am in my twelve weeks

hahaha you guys gotta visit! Well love you it´s 6 gotta get off tryna follow las reglas con exactitud love you dad bye!



Sunday, December 6, 2015

November 30, 2015 Update from Josh

Mom, wow what a profound scripture! Okay this email is response to both you and dad´s email. So first off dad I think you are shrinking then (; No but dang he is gonna be taller. Well here I feel like I am 7 feet tall haha. Oh and thanks for all the packages! Yes mom I got the birthday card thank you so much! My district leader called me saying Elder Anderson you have 3 packages I think one says to Josh from kentucky and I am named josh and from kentucky but i opened it and it was basketball socks so i think it is for you! hahaha he is a stud he has trouble with english because he learned spanish so well but he is leaving this friday ):
Anyway this week was awesome I asked someone on the street I contacted to be baptised and he said yes! We had a long talk about God´s plan for us and how he could be with his deceased wife for an eternity and he said "Oh quiero eso si si que necesito hacer" Dad your spanish is good! But I'm a missionary so you have to use usted haha. I was having troubles with my companion following the rules and waking up on time so I consulted the lord on what to do. I read in my patriarchal blessing that I like Nephi will thank heavenly Father for loving parents and pray the choicest blessings be upon my siblings everyday of my life. My first thought was I was like Nephi. So I read all of 1 and 2 Nephi and found a recurring topic that nephi continually was bold and direct with his older brother my trainor. Entonces había una conversación con el muy directo y poderoso y pienso puede escuchar mis palabras por el futuro. Pero todo bien no tengo fotos por este semana lo siento haha pero trabajamos mucho y no vamos el centro hoy. Les amo gracias por los regalos! Feliz Navidad estoy entusiasmado por cuando podemos skype! Extraño ustedes! 😇
Josh and Elder Navejas in Mexico City

November 23, 2015 update from Josh

We have been walking around everywhere this week trying to get our investigators to come to church and one of our investigators wants to get baptized in December instead of now so we had to talk her a lot! haha
Elder Anderson, Elder Navejas and Sister missionaries


Walking in Mexico City

Visiting a Cathedral in Mexico City


November 16, 2015 update from Josh

My companion is Elder Navejas he is from Senora right underneathe, hope I spelled that right haha, Arizona! And he has been to Arizona and Utah lots of states out west. Don´t worry he has a green Card! haha but he speaks okay english but most of the time we just talk in spanish unless he wants to know how to say something. So we had another baptism this week and we have 3 more next week and two more so far the week after that! So yeah Elder Navejas and I get along because I like to work hard and so does he and thats all that matters to me. Every morning I get up right a 6:30 workout shower then start reading my scriptures. This is a picture of Enrique who we took to the temple so he could have his wife baptised who died two years ago. Enrique was baptised one week before I arrived but we got to take him to the temple we didn´t get to go in because a member of the 70 made a new rule that the missionaries in mexico city can only go inside the temple on Christmas and the other time is Easter, I think. So I am really blessed I got to go twice while in the MTC! Oh and mom I love captain Moroni too, he is my main example when I ask our investigators if they want to know this gospel is true because his testimony in the scriptures is so strong and when people read his words and pray the spirit hits them like a block and it is incredible to watch. I have been reading in Nephi currently 2nd nefi cuando el had to leave his brothers because they had become so wicked but him and alma are such examples to me as missionary.  Every night I pray for you guys like it says in my patriarchal blessing I will pray nightly for the welfare of my family and then I pray to be like Nephi and to be able to teach with power to my investiagators even though my words are wea. Which is funny because when Moroni was talking about Isiah I think and the Brother of Jarod he says these words are powerful and he was asking God why he couldn´t write well but I find Moroni´s words in the book of mormon the most powerful.
Love you all have a great week! And send pictures over email! Love you bye

November 9, 2015 update from Josh

As you can see I have been getting a little white haha but it´s good because today we played soccer and basketball outside for 3 hours in the sun  and then our zone leaders brought us lunch! It is crazy how much people serve each other here definitely something I need to work on (;

Josh in Mexico City
Josh with Investigator being baptised

November 2, 2015 Update from Josh

Here are a few pics. We have commited 5 people to baptism this week one for 14 of november, 4 for 21 of November.
This is the family we are baptising on the 21 neither of the women have husbands in their life but they all live together and are happy. This week we had 3 drunk people come up to us crying and asking for help. Two we have appts with but they are serious alcoholics. The other was gay and spoke english so I was able to have like an hour conversation with him and explain everything and he seemed to be receptive. Then he asked my companion why we were called elders and he said in spanish it is a calling after our mission we get our normal names back. Then the man said in english Why do you like to lie to me why do you like to waste my time then walked away. Later that day we saw is twin brother but we haven´t seen this man since. This picture was taken in the visitors center as you can see I was a little tall haha (: Love you guys!

October 28, 2015 ... something in Spanish....

Lo siento mi inglés es horrible ahora porque hablo en español todos los dias mi compañero no hable inglés nada este es el primero tiempo uso inglés en cuatro dias lol per mi P day es lunes ahora solamente miercoles en semanas por transfers.

October 28, 2015 Josh is in the Mission Field!!! (and losing his ability to speak or write in English.... ;-0 ) ha ha!

Mama! Como esta!
I am doing great!  I have been all over the city these past 3 days teaching around 8 lessons a day.  My companion and I have about 6 or 7 of our investigators for baptism already! Of course he has been teaching them for a little but we have recieved two new investigators since being here! I was prompted to bring a little card with me in the street yesterday and en la tarde a drunk man wearing scrapes came up to Elder Navejas and I, asking for help and I bore my testimony and talked to him about how if he did the things I was telling him and did his part he could change his life through Christ. We have an appt.  with him tommorow. The city is crazy with tons of good street food. And for water we have these big jugs of filtered water and I use my filter water bottle. But there are so many stores like walmart costco everything I don´t need you to send me anything I doubt if it would come anyway because I never got the envelope with pictures you sent so give the stuff to zach (; thank you so much though the Lord has provided ten fold for me here.)
 I will send you a pic of our apartment next week. Just don´t freak out -lol -it is kinda of crazy where I am living I wash my clothes in a bucket ha! But today we took them to a place where a memeber we taught last night said she would clean all my clothes for really cheap. She is such a loving mother and takes care of her family she reminds me of you (: All of the members would do anything for us becasue they really believe in the blessings -they would feed us first before their own families. It is crazy what these people live in like they have nothing but are still so happy and I am happy I don´t even know how lol yes I do but I am writing you in a little room that has computers in the side of a building that takes 10 pesos an hour to use. We walk everywhere and sometimes take taxi´s. We aren´t allowed to take our cards anywhere we have to take out a bunch of money at the begining of the month take a taxi straight home and only take back out with us small amounts of cash. I am not allowed to say no if someone asks for my money and has a gun even though I am bigger than them president anaya said. But not many people get robbed here -only hermanas in certain places that is why we take the hermanas and help them with their lessons in some parts of the city. Did I mention the food is amazing! Some time in the future I am going to send emory something like a cool book of mormon cover, I got one, but when I do if you want to use the return address and send me some snacks or candy that would be awesome! But it takes a long time to get here so it is okay if you don´t but I promised emory I would send her something cool. It´s crazy the gift of tounges when I am in a lesson the words just spew out of my mouth I don´t even know how I have used the first vision by memorization in two different lessons already can you believe that this one old lady who takes care of her grandaughter that reminds me of brielle starting crying when I said the first vision. Crazy how the spirit works. If you read the first vision its pretty long I don´t even know it in english haha! I hope emory has recovered and I can´t wait to see a video of Brock crush someone in football!
Love you mom you are the best!


10/26/2015 - update from Josh

Hey Mom and Dad!
Yes, Elder Moore is one of my closest friends here in the MTC, I went to his call opening. I am having such a great time here! I do discussions in spanish with our teachers, it is absolutely amazing how my blessing said I would pick up the language easily because I will almost be 100% fluent by the end of this week.  Today, I went to the temple and the Celestial room was so amazing.  There were shapes I didn´t know existed in the architecture lol. On the way to the temple we got to drive through my mission. Elder Avery, my companion, and Elder Wach are going to the same mission and we were all amazed by the number of people and the poverty. It was crazy how friendly the people are - not all stuck up like Americans, but they are unbelievably poor. There are so many people they just walk in the streets and the cars go on either side of the road. One spot had one lane going north next lane over going south next lane over north and again and the fourth lane south hahaha who does that! Any way here are some picture.  I wish some more crazy stuff happened here that I could tell you about but it is mostly just learning ha ha - Oh but I found out I am incredibly talented at soccer I score on all the natives! Ha ha  right... (; Alright talk to you soon there are two more pics of the drive to the temple in the other email.  Love Josh
District in Mexico MTC
Josh and his MTC companion, Elder Avery

Picture and comments from one of Josh's MTC roommates - Elder Moore - yes, from Queen Creek!!!

From Michelle Moore, Seth's mom:
this is what Seth wrote about the picture  

Elder Wach, Avery and Anderson (left to right)

elder avery is hilarious... he wears these goofy glasses and fit him perfect

elder anderson is my best friend here probably he is super focused and doesn't mess around too much but is really  cool at the same time


October 10, 2015 - Josh gets ecoli in the Mexico MTC. While in the Hospital - learns to speak Spanish even better. Blessings come even during great trials.

From Dr. Harston:
Brother and  Sister Anderson,
Thank you for visiting with me yesterday.   As mentioned, I am Elder Dennis Harston, a family physician licensed in Utah who is serving as a full time missionary in the missionary training center here in Mexico City.   I have been looking after Elder Anderson over the past three days.   He is doing better.   But for a while he was quite miserable.   As you know, when he seemed worse yesterday, we sent him and his companion to the emergency room to see a qualified gastroenterologist.   He is in the Angeles Linda Vista hospital, a fine modern and clean hospital that is a private facility that the church uses.    I have had missionaries there before when they became ill and they have always received first class care.    As I mentioned last night, Elder Anderson is staying in the hospital for a few days as he was not able to comfortably eat or drink, and the doctor there has recommended he rest his stomach and bowels for a few days, getting IV fluids with antibiotic.   I just called and spoke with Elder Avery, his companion, who reported that Elder Anderson is now able to drink some clear liquids,  that his fever appears gone, but that he continues to have stomach upset.   I think he is doing the right thing by being there and we hope his stomach will get back to normal soon.  President Stanton Call, of the MTC mission presidency plans to visit Elder Anderson in the hospital later today with his wife.    I will also call daily or visit until he is able to return to the MTC.  
He seems to be maintaining a good attitude in spite of not feeling very good.    The GI specialist told me yesterday that the tests so far have not shown anything unusual such as dystentery with salmonella, shigella E Coli, or parasites.  At this point it appears to be enterocolitis, probably from a viral infection.  I will let you know if more information clarifies why this happened.    Thank you for your concern and your support of your son, Elder Anderson.    
From Josh:
Hey so I just got done talking with mom on the phone and I have some time to email. I have some pictures of my journal entry which is kinda funny haha and a pic of me in the hospital. I want to see a video of Brock playing football and i will be praying for emory! I will put her on the temple roll this tuesday.  I am feeling a lot better today! Although I probably won´t be showing off my soccer skills for awhile. We are about to start our fifth week which is crazy and exciting because after week 6 I go to the field. After being in the hospital, I feel so confident in my spanish because my doctors only talked spanish. Conference was amazing there were so many good points. President Monson didn´t look so good in his last talk though, I hope he is doing good we don´t get much news here. My companion and I were excited to recieve a newspaper in the hospital and we were drooling over the new iphone! Ha! The new apostles are studs and so incredibly humble! Well anyway I need to go rest and practice more spanish love you all! I hope you guys are getting my pictures (:
Oh also in the hospital President Tenorio and his wife along with President calls wife came to visit me and president tenorio gave me a blessing! A few of my friends got to give me blessings before I went to the hospital. I can´t wait for the opportunity so I can give my first blessing.  Love you, Josh
From Dr. Harston:
Brother and Sister Anderson,
Elder Anderson continues to do better.    I visited with him on Saturday and he definitely looked like he was returning to normal.  I am still concerned, however, as he lost a lot of weight and we need to be sure  his bowels are really recovered.   He is to return today to be reweighed and to let us know if he is getting back to eating normally.    I will give him a copy of his lab tests.   The blood tests were normal including electrolytes, renal function, liver function, lipids, white blood cells, hemoglobin, febrile agglutins, and other tests.  The stool tests were also normal without showing a dysentery such as salmonella, shigella, cholera, or E. Coli.  However the doctor caring for  him thought he still might have had an E. Coli infection so his treatment was intended to cover such an infection.  We have not found any other  missionary with a food related infection, though we are continuing to monitor that possibility.   We think the problem was a  particularly severe form of viral gastroenteritis or enter colitis.  
Again, I hope to see Elder Anderson later today.   So far he is doing well. 
 Elder Harston 

Friday, October 23, 2015

September 22, 2015 First email and pictures from the Mexico City MTC

Mom and Dad!
This is the best thing I have ever done in my life! I am so happy here. My companion is great and the spirit is so strong here! It´s a little weird typing this in English - my companion and I decided to talk in spanish solamente! Sometimes I can´t even think of the english words to write in my journal.  My companion and I have become such great spanish speakers our leaders told the other elders to do what we were doing.  I have learned more spanish in 6 days than in 6 years of spanish classes. I am certain I will be fluent within the next week or so. Since it is our first week we didn´t get to go to the temple ): But next tuesday, which is our P-Day, I will be able to go. This is a picture of my room here in the MTC we have the smallest bano y aula for 4 elders that they have here haha! But it wont be much better in the city so I guess it´s good practice.  Also a pic of my companion and I with the other elders in our district. A pic of the basketball gym nad un pictura de las montanas (: Love you mom just know I have never been happier in my life and I will keep emailing you. Also,  I actually get to play basketball here. Thanks - will email you next week!